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Bedroom Cleaning in West Islip, NY

Bedroom Cleaning in West Islip, NY

Here at DanDee Cleaning Services, we want to help you keep a clean, organized house. Today we're talking about the bedroom! Nothing is less sexy than a messy room. Having a great bedroom space helps you to feel better, sleep better, and even gives you something to be a little proud of!

Clean sheets are always where I start. My family is plagued with bad allergies, so once a week, I always make it a point to strip all of the beds and wash the sheets. Once they are done, put them back on the bed, and then make the bed.

Next, I get rid of any clutter bogging down the good vibes in the bedroom. I usually keep decorative bobbles to a limit or three to five. You want your bedroom to be your tranquil escape from your daily stressers, not cause stress.

You always have to make sure you're keeping clothes off the floor. My mom always told me...If you take something off...there's only three things you should do with it. Fold it, Hang it, or throw it in the Laundry. Don't let your floor be your catch all for disorganization. 

My final piece of advice for keeping a clean bedroom is to make sure that you are dusting and wiping everything down often. Again, having dust sitting around is a great way to have all of those allergens drive you crazy!

For more information on bedroom cleaning in West Islip, NY or to schedule an estimate with a professional cleaning service, give us a call at 631-219-9962.

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